ihelp for the Electric Fat Tire Tandem Bike
Before installing the front wheel of fat tire tandem bike, you have to install the front fender and the headlight together but leave them a little bit loose.

After the wheel is set-up, you can tighten the front fender to the frame.

In order to move the handlebars, you need to loosen the screws then you can adjust them to the desired position.

Simply install the rack to the frame with the screws as shown below.

When installing the pedals, make sure to check the lettering on them. The right one must be put on the right side and the left to the left side.
If you reverse them, the treads will be ruined.

The last step is put the battery on the right position see the pictures
If you need to take the battery from the bike (not recommended) we have to turn the key to unlock the battery because when we place the battery on the bike the battery is locked in place automatically.
Sometimes you need to jiggle and press the key into the lock and jiggle the battery pack to take it off.

When installing the front wheel, make sure to place it in the correct position.
Insert the axle with one metal spring on each side then tighten the wheel.

For the front and the rear handlebars to be installed, you first have to remove the top part of the handlebars then you can put them back after the screws are tightened.

You may adjust the hight of the seat to your size with the help of the quick release.